Connection-centered photography for the adventurous + sentimental.

Capturing little moments + big feelings.


Adventure doesn’t have to be grand or far.

We believe every season of your life is full of adventure + worth capturing, especially the fleeting, quiet seasons.


Hey, there.

My name is Hannah, and my goal is to capture the connection between you and those you love most.

I love warm, cozy light.

I love reading, making + drinking coffee, + being outside.

I’m an INFJ, an enneagram 2w3, + a self-taught silversmith.

Being a mother is one of my favorite things about this life.

I love good, deep conversation + connection.

We are a team made up of mothers and wives, photographing lovers + motherhood and everything in between.

We believe this is what guides us as we capture your stories. We have all been in your shoes. Whether it be marriage or motherhood, we walk alongside you in your experiences, + we know how deeply important it is to have images to look back so you can cherish the memories.


Wedding photography that gives you more than just pretty photos.


Find me on instagram | @sparrowandlace